Understanding Hospice Care
Hospice is a program that delivers patient-focused care to those suffering from a life-limiting, terminal illness. Hospice is typically deemed appropriate for those within their final six months of life, as prescribed by a physician or hospital. Focused on quality of life and comfort as opposed to curative medicine, hospice helps family members give their loved ones expert care and provides a resource for emotional and spiritual counseling. Hospice care may be provided in the comfort of one’s home or, if needed, at an outpatient facility or hospital. Care includes regular visits by registered hospice nurses with specialized training as well as hospice aides, social workers, chaplains, and volunteers.

Knowing When It’s Time

Transitioning Gracefully
The transition from curative care to hospice care can be a difficult, emotional period for both patients and their families. Anchor of Hope Hospice strives to make the experience as seamless and comfortable as possible, providing both practical services and emotional support to ease patients into the “new normal” of hospice care. Our team of specialists may include physicians, registered hospice nurses, hospice aides, social workers, chaplains and trained volunteers. Team members are available to the patient as much as they are needed, and will provide regular visits to ensure continuous pain and symptom management, counseling, and personal care.
The earlier a patient is able to transition to hospice care, the greater benefit he or she will generally get from it. The end of life is a natural part of the human experience, and while it is common to experience fear and uncertainty, a team of professional hospice caregivers can provide the reassurance and support that allows for a gentle transition. Anchor of Hope is here for you at all times: Contact us for a guided consultation.
The Difference Between Hospice Care and Palliative Care
Palliative care
Palliative care programs are designed to ease pain and help with other, related problems when a patient is diagnosed with a serious, but not necessarily terminal, disease or illness. Palliative care focuses on the relief of symptoms and overall quality of life, encompassing not only the physical aspects of disease but also the emotional, psychological, social, and practical impacts. Palliative care is a common treatment approach for those with cancer, heart disease, lung disease, HIV/AIDS, and other life-limiting conditions, and will often include life-prolonging medications. The cost of palliative care is generally covered by both public and private insurers.
Hospice Care
Hospice care is a comprehensive, individualized program of care that is focused on comfort and minimization of pain and other symptoms. Hospice care is not intended to be curative, and will not include life-prolonging medications. Typically, hospice is recommended by a doctor when a patient is diagnosed with a terminal disease or illness with a life expectancy of six or fewer months (during the later stages of disease progress). Hospice care treats the whole person, easing both physical and emotional pain and helping the patient as well as family members prepare for the end of life. Hospice care is covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most other private insurers.
Loving Care

Your Loved One’s Needs
We provide expert care tailored to the needs of individual patients and their families. Our mission is guided by our compassionate and caring values that we extend to our families as we support them through the end of life. The Anchor of Hope holistic approach seeks to maximize both the physical and emotional wellbeing for everyone involved. Our care includes:
- Care for pain and symptom management
- Administering proper medication amounts
- Preparing meals and feeding patients
- Dressing/changing clothes
- Emotional and spiritual support
- Physical therapy services
- Medical equipment (wheelchairs, walkers, etc.) and supplies
- Bereavement services
Consistently Caring
Anchor of Hope is here to provide an uplifting and comforting quality of life for our patients and their loved ones. We believe in H.O.P.E: Honor & respect, Open & honest communication, Promise of support, and Excellent care. We promise to uphold our core values while ensuring the highest level of care.

Supporting DFW
Anchor of Hope is a family-owned and operated business providing compassionate, personalized hospice services to families in the cities of Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Plano and surrounding areas. We have made it our mission to provide exceptional one-on-one care to those affected by life-limiting illnesses and terminal disease.
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